Re: Case mapping of dotless lowercase letters

From: Christopher John Fynn (
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 10:49:32 EST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Stability of WG2"

    Arcane Jill wrote:

    << Would it not make more sense to have not two, but three different kinds of
    lowercase i: <non-dotted i>, <soft-dotted i> and <hard-dotted i>?. (And
    similarly for uppercase). Of course, then you might as well invent COMBINING
    SOFT DOT ABOVE so we can use it elsewhere. >>

    It may seem to make more sense, but the trouble with this kind of "solution"
    is that it would mean re-encoding a large amout of data, updating operating
    systems, applications, fonts, other standards and so on - and all those changes
    would cause an unimaginable mess.

    There are many things in the Unicode Standard which are the result of it
    initially being based on a number of pre-existing character encoding standards
    and the need for round trip conversion between those standards and Unicode.
    Many things could have been done very differently if this need had not been

    - Chris

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