Re: What is the principle?

From: John Cowan (
Date: Sat Mar 27 2004 - 20:43:57 EST

  • Next message: John Cowan: "Re: What is the principle?"

    Philippe Verdy scripsit:

    > The convention used [...] is to mark the dictionnary entries at the
    > letter H with a leading asterisk before all words that have an aspirated
    > h (of course this is only a "standard" notation in dictionnaries,
    > there's no need to use the asterisk in normal texts).

    My favorite example is the public speaker who is trying to talk about
    "les *heros de la revolution francaise", but uses liaison instead of
    hiatus, generating "les zeros de la revolution francaise"!

    > With IPA I think that the notation for such unpronounced consonnant
    > that acts as a strong phoneme separator is /(h)/ which corresponds to
    > this "aspirated h".

    IPA proper represents only sounds, so there is no such convention. IN
    phonemic notation one may represent it however one pleases.

    > the difference between "ê" and "è" which is not clear in modern French
    > as the circumflex often notes a missing "s" which was removed from
    > the modern speech)

    That reminds me. The name of the circumflex accent is obviously derived
    from Greek, but its form is not. Is it in fact the degenerate descendant
    of the letter "s", does anybody know?

    John Cowan
    "If he has seen farther than others,
            it is because he is standing on a stack of dwarves."
                    --Mike Champion, describing Tim Berners-Lee (adapted)

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