Re: Ogham and Initialisms

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Thu Jul 22 2004 - 04:53:04 CDT

  • Next message: Andrew C. West: "Re: Ogham and Initialisms"

    At 11:24 +0200 2004-07-22, fantasai wrote:
    >If a Latin initialism

    A what?

    >appears in a bottom-to-top text and the characters are oriented
    >upright rather than rotated, should the initialism read up or down?
    > U A
    > S or S ?
    > A U

    In addition to the anachronism in this particular example, what
    you've said doesn't make sense. In Ogham, you'd write (using feather
    marks here) >-U-S-A-< and in bottom to top orientation that whole
    string would be rotated with the U toward the bottom and the A toward
    the top.

    What you described would just be wrong.

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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