Re: IDN problem.... :(

From: Erik van der Poel (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2005 - 14:16:12 CST

  • Next message: D. Starner: "Re: Capitalization (Was: 03F3 j Greek Letter yot)"

    Neil Harris wrote:
    > Alas, I hought of that already. Here's a counterexample that breaks it.
    > How about What if I decide the 'o' should be
    > the Greek, or Cyrillic homograph? How do we detect that?

    Well, the registry could use your algorithm, slightly modified. If we
    can subdivide a label using hyphens, let's call the subdivisions
    "sublabels". The registry would have a piece of software in place that
    checks to see whether any sublabel consists entirely of homographs. If
    there is such a sublabel, the software could either reject the
    registration or send an email to the administrator to have them manually
    check the label later.


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