Re: Small Java implementation of NFC

From: Simon Josefsson (
Date: Sat Mar 19 2005 - 14:38:59 CST

  • Next message: Jony Rosenne: "RE: Incorrect names for Arabic letters"

    Elliotte Harold <> writes:

    > Currently my Java library (XOM) is dragging along a hefty chunk (344K)
    > of IBM's open source ICU just to support one rarely invoked method that
    > converts strings into NFC. I'd like to get rid of that. Given the nature
    > of my application it is more important to me to be able to eliminate the
    > extra jar file and its size, than it is to have the fastest, most
    > intelligent NFC algorithm.
    > Thus I'm looking at ways to implement NFC that don't require me to drag
    > around the Unicode data files or substantial chunks thereof.

    If you are willing to live with the limitations discussed in:

    and get a Unicode 3.2 NFKC (not Unicode 4.0 or later) implementation,
    you might be happy with the Java NFKC implementation that is part of
    GNU Libidn, contributed by Oliver Hitz. Browsable at:

    The JAR file is around 100kb, but I reckon the StringPrep/IDNA part of
    it take up from 1/3 to 1/2 of the size.

    If you'd like to optimize or extend it for your needs, and contribute
    your work back, that would be most welcome.

    Hope this help,

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