Re: Additional normalization test cases

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Sun Mar 27 2005 - 19:38:15 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Unicode coming to Quark XPress"

    There is absolutely room for adding additional cases to the normalization
    test. Not for U4.1; it is way past the beta period, but submit them via the
    online form.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Elliotte Rusty Harold" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 14:50
    Subject: Additional normalization test cases

    > Is anyone collecting additional normalization test cases? This morning,
    > the normalizer I've been working on finally passed all 17,122 (times 5)
    > test cases in the Unicode suite, and then promptly died on the first
    > real data I threw at it. After some work, I was able to reduce the
    > trigger for my down to this two character string:
    > ĄĽ
    > That's
    > U+0104 U+013D
    > Apparently none of the 17,000 test cases managed to exercise the
    > particular bug in my code that made it fail on this two character
    > sequence (and many other strings as well). Any chance of adding this to
    > the test suite?
    > --
    > Elliotte Rusty Harold
    > XML in a Nutshell 3rd Edition Just Published!

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