Re: Macrons

From: Andrew C. West (
Date: Tue Apr 05 2005 - 05:43:27 CST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Does Unicode 4.1 change NFC?"

    On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 11:43:47 +0100, "Raymond Mercier" wrote:
    > Andrew Cunningham pointed out that you need Word 2003, not just Word 97, and
    > that may be true. Certainly I am using Word 2003, but I find to my surprise
    > that the Doulos SIL trick (if I can call it that) works in a pure text file.

    That should be no suprise. In general, under Windows NT4/2K/XP, Unicode
    rendering works better in plain text apps such as Notepad than in clever apps
    such as Word. Notepad doesn't try to be clever ... it just sends the text you
    give it to Uniscribe for processing and rendering; Word tries to be clever, and
    in the end usually fails miserably.
    > I mean, if I save the Word 2003 file as Unicode text, and open it in
    > Notepad, then the macron display is correct as long as I use the Doulos SIL
    > font in Notepad.
    > The OS is XP Pro + SP2, which may be relevant - I am not quite sure.

    Like many things in Windows, it all depends upon which version of Uniscribe
    (usp10.dll) you have installed on your PC. Doulos SIL combining macrons work OK
    in Unicode applications such as Notepad if they utilise Uniscribe version
    1.420.x.x or later ... and XP SP2 has version 1.420.2600.2180.


    > Raymond Mercier

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