Re: Orrmulum -- U+204A -- large and small ?

From: Patrick Andries (
Date: Fri Aug 19 2005 - 10:56:37 CDT

  • Next message: Mark Davis: "Re: ldml dtd"

    Michael Everson a écrit :

    > I believe the original proposal document was N1847? You can also see
    > my paper with examples at
    Thank you.

    > No, it is not a variant of &, which is an original ligature of e and t.

    Yes. "Et" means "and" (English), "en" (Dutch), "und" (German) & "agus"
    (Irish)... ?

    > It is used to represent the Irish word "agus", which means 'and'.

    ⁊ was used to represent "and" in Middle English as far as I know. Also
    the 42-line Gutenberg Bible (1454) uses a Tironian "et"
    p. 46)
    but not the one printed in Italy which uses an ampersand.

    > Even on public signage one may see this. We have parking signs which
    > say "Pay & Display"

    Pay et Display ?

    > right alongside "Íoc 7 Taispeáin". One sometimes finds it in the
    > abbreviation "7rl", also written "srl", short for "agus araile",
    > meaning "etc". Compare the occasional use of "&c" for "etc".

    Yes, Thank you.

    Incidentally the contact who asked me this question doubts that Orrm is
    the only author to use the large 7 if this is what is meant by
    idiosyncratic (but he did not mention any other author using it). I have
    no opinion on the possibility of other authors using large ⁊ at the
    start of paragraphs and sentences.

    Many thanks for the answers, Michael and Andrew.

    In the absence of another author using a large 7, I'll settle with the
    idiosyncratic nature of Orrm's large 7.

    P. A.

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