Re: Questions re ISO-639-1,2,3

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Tue Aug 23 2005 - 23:31:25 CDT

  • Next message: Christopher Fynn: "Re: Windows Glyph Handling"

    Again this thread deserves much more attention, but just one remark...

    Donald Z. Osborn <dzo at bisharat dot net> wrote:

    > Frankly I'm hazy on this, but thought that at least a tab- or
    > semicolon-delimited plain text file with the current/updated codes
    > and names (all) could be released regularly (even when there are no
    > changes). Like you describe, I think.

    Both ISO 639-2/RA (Library of Congress) and ISO 639-3/RA (SIL) maintain
    easily downloadable, delimited-plain-text data files. You can download
    these at regular intervals, or use an updating service such as
    WatchThatPage to alert you when the page has changed.

    The location for the ISO 639-2 data file (which also includes
    authoritative ISO 639-1 data) is:

    I don't know how "public" the ISO/DIS 639-3 site is supposed to be at
    this stage, so I won't quote the URL of the download page here. But if
    you can get to the main page, you won't have any trouble finding the
    word "Downloads" and navigating to the plain-text files.

    Please, please keep in mind that 639-3 is still a draft, not yet a
    standard, to whatever extent that matters to your individual

    Doug Ewell
    Fullerton, California

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