Re: Unicode TTF question

From: Richard Wordingham (
Date: Thu Aug 25 2005 - 21:33:13 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Windows Glyph Handling"

    Philippe Verdy wrote:

    > There's a difficulty with the fact that most Asian fonts implement at
    > least Basic Latin, or Latin-1, without covering the whole Latin script.

    > My opinion is that those Asian fonts should have ALL their Latin and
    > punctuation characters removed, so that a renderer will not select those
    > fonts for rendering only partial Latin text with them, and the rest of the
    > text with another font designed for another script (the result looks
    > horrible...).

    That'll stop Asian cheapskates writing web pages using simple editors! Do
    you really wish to cripple programming in this fashion?


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