VCR technical symbols?

From: Guy Steele (
Date: Fri Aug 26 2005 - 18:43:49 CDT

  • Next message: N. Ganesan: "Malayalam fractions"

    Hi. This is my first message to the mailing list, though I've been
    somewhat involved with Unicode for the last ten years through
    my involvement with the design of the Java programming language.

    My son asks: does Unicode have the set of symbols usually used
    to label tape transport controls on a tape deck or VCR? I am speaking
    especially of the double vertical rectangle used for "pause". Some of
    the others are fairly generic (left and right-pointing solid triangles
    for "reverse" and "forward", circle for "record", etc.), but "fast
    and "fast forward" (and for virtual transports on a personal computer
    screen, "return to start" and "go to end") also have special symbols.
    I do see that Unicode already has the related U+23CF EJECT SYMBOL
    consisting of a solid triangle above a horizontal bar. I checked the
    Unicode 4.1 database but the only occurrence of the word "pause" was
    in the comment for U+2389 CIRCLED HORIZONTAL BAR WITH NOTCH,
    and searching for "fast" and "rewind" turned up nothing.

    --Guy Steele

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