Re: VCR technical symbols?

From: Curtis Clark (
Date: Sat Aug 27 2005 - 12:20:58 CDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: VCR technical symbols?"

    On 2005-08-27 06:57, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
    > It might be added some day to Unicode, but I doubt it. What benefits
    > would it produce? You could use it in texts, assuming you have a font
    > that contains it, so you could write some things in some instructions
    > using plain text, instead of embedding an image. But would you do so?
    > After all, its shape would have to be generic. When writing a manual for
    > a particular device, it would be better to use the specific shapes (and
    > perhaps colors) that appear in it.

    Alas, this can be said of "letters" as well. One could make the case
    that my Lucida Console "A" is rather generic, and that it would be less
    suitable that a deep red blackletter "A" for a specific application.
    Font choice and markup will suffice in both cases.

    To me, the criterion has always been "Does it need to be exchanged
    electronically in plain text?" Although I have no interest in making a
    case for the pause symbol, I think a case could be made.

    Curtis Clark        
    Web Coordinator, Cal Poly Pomona                 +1 909 979 6371
    Professor, Biological Sciences                   +1 909 869 4062

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