Re: Unicode characters List instead of hexadecimal equivalent

From: James Cloos (
Date: Tue Aug 29 2006 - 14:43:26 CDT

  • Next message: Andries Brouwer: "Re: kurdish sorani"

    You can grab a partial such file at:

    It only has the characters which are explicitly in UnicodeData.txt and
    which do not have a < or > in their name field.

    The format is:

    <HEX> <tab> <[> <space> <CHARACTER> <]> <tab> <NAME>

    (The space is used so that combining characters have something to
    combine with....)

    If you view it in a bidi-aware app, the formatting will probably break
    for the r2l characters.

    It is based on the current version of UnicodeData.


    James Cloos <>         OpenPGP: 0xED7DAEA6

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