Re: Problem with SSI and BOM

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed Sep 27 2006 - 08:47:09 CST

  • Next message: Mark Cilia Vincenti: "RE: Problem with SSI and BOM"

    From: "Mark Cilia Vincenti" <>
    > i.e. a static HTML page has 3 SSI calls. One for the top template, one
    > for the side template and one for the bottom template. When the include
    > files (which contain HTML code) are saved as UTF-8 with a BOM, then the
    > BOM is being included, and right on top of the 3 templates an empty line
    > is being inserted.

    Also: can't you update the SSI implementation on your server? isn't there a way in the SSI syntax to specify that the imported file must have its leading BOM discarded if present, by specifying that it is effectively UTF-8 encoded? Isn't there some SSI directives you could use before using SSI calls? Or some tuning site parameters for the SSI component of your webserver?

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