Re: Unicode or specific language charset

From: Robert Kidd (
Date: Tue Dec 19 2006 - 00:42:32 CST

  • Next message: Richard Ishida: "RE: Unicode or specific language charset"

    At 07:35 PM 12/18/2006, Luke Onslow wrote:
    >LO> Robert, as far as I understand these are human beings aren't they,
    >I mean translators?
    >LO> If I were you, I would actually deploy hardware as well. Personal
    >experience has shown me LO> that "Back to Basics" works the best. By
    >hardware, I actually mean operating system.

    Luke, thanks for replying. These are all freelance translators. They
    are contract workers, not "employees" and they live in countries all
    around the world. I assume they are human, although I have never met
    them. ;o)

    >LO> Yes, the fonts are an issue but what about the OS?

    I still think this issue is not a problem since the people who are
    going to be reading/writing in the language will be using a computer
    set up for that language.

    >LO> In my opinion, nothing to do with web site design.

    The purpose of my posting was to find out about issues that might
    affect the site development as well as users of the site.

    >If you have a venture and arranged people to LO>help you on your
    >venture, then take the privilage of arranging their laptops too. And
    >ask them to LO>use it for business only. But as an employer please
    >make sure you also provide a personal only LO>laptop as well.

    I do not have the luxury of telling my translators how to set up their
    computer. I am not fluent in all of the languages that my translators
    are so I have to trust that each translator knows how to use their
    machine in their chosen target and source languages. Personally, I
    don't think that is a great leap of faith on my part. In addition, I do
    not have the resources to buy a new laptop for each of the five hundred
    translators who have registered on my site, if I am not mistaken and
    that is what you are suggesting.

    Robert Kidd, Director
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