Comment on PRI 98: IVD Adobe-Japan1 (pt.1)

Date: Tue Mar 13 2007 - 18:34:49 CST

  • Next message: "Comment on PRI 98: IVD Adobe-Japan1 (pt.3)"

    Dear Sirs,

    I have several questions and comments on Unicode Public
    Review Issue #98: submission to Ideographic Variation
    Database "Adobe-Japan1". Although the review instruction at
    tells to send via the web reporting form, my comment is
    too long to copy & paste in the form. I decided to split
    my comments and post to this list.

    For first, 3 small questions and requests.

    * If there's any intended design of the mapping between
      CIDs & IVD sequence for specified Unicode codepoint,
      please describe it. In most case, the younger CID is
      assigned to younger IVS sequence, but there are several
      exceptions. For example, in the case of U+5272, IVS
      sequences are ordered as: VS17-13684, VS18-1474
      and VS19-20086.

    * CID+19071 is used twice in sequences.txt: U+29FCE,
      U+29FD7. Is it intended duplication?

    * Some URLs in TechNote #5078 to refer other TechNotes
      are obsoleted (e.g. direct hrefs to #5014 (p. 1),
      #5094 (p. 5)), and some TechNotes are no longer available
      (#5031 (p. 5)). I wish if Adobe can re-upload #5031
      onto archived TechNotes collection.


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