Re: Uppercase ß is coming? (U+1E9E)

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Fri May 04 2007 - 15:56:24 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Uppercase ß is coming? (U+1E9E)"

    At 13:36 -0700 2007-05-04, John Hudson wrote:

    >But the reader would read e as an error in place
    >of é. He would not read SS as an error in place
    >of the uppercase eszett, because
    >orthographically the SS is correct and the
    >latter is a glyph variant of it.

    Dieter Weiss and Peter Weiß may each consider
    that there is only one way to correctly spell
    their respective names. Despite normative German
    orthography, Peter may not prefer to be
    uppercased as PETER WEISS; he may in fact
    consider it an error. We cannot do anything about
    normative German orthography, because it is not
    in our remit. But we should not deny Peter the
    character he needs to write his name.

    Michael Everson *

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