Re: The glyph of the CAPITAL SHARP S

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Wed May 09 2007 - 19:43:27 CDT

  • Next message: Arne Götje (高盛華): "Re: How is the glottal stop used in some languages?"

    On 5/9/2007 4:43 PM, Adam Twardoch wrote:
    > I assert that the shape of uppercase "ß" must be "edgier" than the
    > lowercase. In short, I think that the left part of uppercase ß should
    > be "Γ".
    I buy that the minute the upper case forms of 'o', 'c' and (regular) 's'
    are rendered with 'edges'. ;-)

    Frankly, looking at the examples, your suggested shape is very clear,
    but it's not self-evident (I would not have recognized it, except after
    having endured the debate on this issue with dozens of examples). After
    50 years of common use, who knows, but right now, it works better if the
    shape contains hints of its lower case origin.
    > What about the right part? Here, I would call to exploit the double
    > origin of "ß", which developed paralelly as a ligature of "ſs" as well
    > as of "ſz" (where the "z" historically used the "ʒ" shape, so "ſʒ").
    I like both the forms that use a nearly complete S and those that use
    the more angular ʒ. Both have potential, but need to be well-drawn to work.

    PS: the old example is not a sharp-s, but merely an long-s, s ligature
    (perhaps not even a ligature, but just overhang).

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