CJK variation modifier

From: Gerrit Sangel (z0idberg@gmx.de)
Date: Sat May 19 2007 - 06:54:30 CDT

  • Next message: John H. Jenkins: "Re: CJK variation modifier"


    I just read some papers about the han unification but am a bit confused if
    there is something like a modifier control character.

    As far as I know, even though some radicals/characters are different in
    Chinese and Japanese, they were unified.

    But using a separate font in case the character is now Chinese, Japanese or
    Korean is not always possible (think of file names, mp3 tags, plain text
    files and so on), so I wondered if there is something like a control
    character in proposal?

    For example, using U+8336 茶 (I think, this character has different variants in
    Chinese and Japanese) and then append a control character to let the display
    program decide whether it should use a Chinese or Japanese glyph.

    It seems, there is also a Variation Database
    http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr37/ accepted, but as far as I understood it,
    it is not really a clearly defined way, e.g. that variation 2 of character x
    has always the same specific appearance.

    There also seem to be some language tags in the SMP, but I don't know if they
    are used that way.

    If there were a way to store the information about the variation of the
    character in the text itself, I think, it would be possible to create a font
    to include all CJK characters?

    Gerrit Sangel

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