RE: thorn vs. y or th, eth and other similar letters/signs

From: Michael Maxwell (
Date: Mon Oct 29 2007 - 09:17:13 CST

  • Next message: 'Mark E. Shoulson': "Re: thorn vs. y or th, eth and other similar letters/signs"

    This is getting rather far from Unicode, but:
    Philippe Verdy wrote:
    > 2nd sing. | Thou | Thee | Yourself?? | Your?? | Yours?? |
    Should be:
        2nd sing. | Thou | Thee | thyself | thy | thine |
    I believe there was some variability wrt thy vs. thine--in the sense that 'thine' may have been (at one point? in some dialects?) the form used before a vowel-initial word, as was 'mine' (and as 'an' still is).

       Mike Maxwell
       CASL/ U Md

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