Re: Stix beta fonts released

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2007 - 23:12:07 CST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Level of Unicode support required for various languages"

    On 10/31/2007 9:51 PM, Murray Sargent wrote:
    > Basically for a math font to work with Word 2007, all the math
    > characters and glyph variants need to be in a single font. We’re
    > dreaming about how that might be accomplished with the STIX fonts. The
    > idea is to have STIXGeneral.otf contain all the math alphanumerics
    > (including the italic and/or bold math alphanumerics), the various
    > size parentheses, brackets, and other delimiters, as well as the
    > script and scriptscript sizes needed for subscripts and superscripts.
    > It appears as if most of these characters and glyph variants are
    > contained in the STIX fonts, so hopefully it’s just a matter of
    > collecting them into a single font.
    The license appears to give you the right to do that. However, I've sent
    them feedback on their default packaging and how this goes against the
    spirit of the Unicode character/glyph model. If this is a concern for
    you, I recommend that you take quick and decisive action - once millions
    of documents exist based on these fonts, it will be impossible to
    interoperate cleanly. (Even if you can solve the issue privately for Word).

    > I was able to make STIXGeneral.otf work in a Word 2007 math zone so
    > long as I only used math Fraktur and ASCII characters. But this is
    > just a tempting suggestion of what one wants to have.

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