Re: Proposal to encode three combining diacritical marks for Low German dialect writing

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Fri Jan 18 2008 - 19:23:22 CST

  • Next message: Don Osborn: "RE: Proposal to encode three combining diacritical marks for Low German dialect writing"

    > > KW> Karl Pentzlin kakimasita:
    > >
    > > kakimasita ??
    > "kaku" is Japanese verb "to write".
    > "kakimashita" means something like "it is written".

    "wrote" (polite), using kunrei romanization. Actually,
    to be completely correct, I should have written
    "Karl Pentzlin}, then quoted what he wrote, and then
    put "to kakimasita." at the end.

    It was a somewhat tongue-in-cheek metacomment about the
    bizarre "localization" that has set in for email clients
    where email delivered *from* a client whose system
    is set to a German locale gets a translated automatic
    line like the following inserted:

    Am Freitag, 18. Januar 2008 um 23:40 schrieb James Kass:

    even if the message is written in English, is
    in response to a message that was written in English, and is
    then delivered to a system whose locale is set to English.

    If that is email localization, I decide from time to time
    to emulate random language settings on *my* system. :-)


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