Re: Szekler Hungarian Rovas (or: Old Hungarian Runes)

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Sat Nov 01 2008 - 14:57:16 CST

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Question about the directionality of "Old Hungarian" (document N3531)"

    On 1 Nov 2008, at 20:48, Erkki I. Kolehmainen wrote:

    > What I'm saying is that proposals on which there is no apparent
    > consensus among the affected/interested parties should not be
    > brought into either of the meetings.

    Erkki! The next WG2 meeting is in six months.

    > I'm fully aware of the fact that this discussion list is unrelated
    > to either of the meetings, and I'm not trying to prevent discussion,
    > I'd just prefer it to be somewhat more civilized.

    There have been FOUR messages about this. The first message required
    some rebuttal. I do not believe that the responses were "uncivilized".

    > I maintain that the tone of this and other postings and also several
    > statements made in Hong Kong could not be characterized as
    > constructive.

    Gábor Hosszú made a statement on this list. People have responded to
    it. There were elements in that statement which needed a response.
    This is standard operating procedure.

    Michael Everson *

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