Re: Why people still want to encode precomposed letters

From: verdy_p (
Date: Thu Nov 27 2008 - 03:37:50 CST

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    "Adam Twardoch" <>
    > A : "verdy_p" <>
    > Copie à : "John Hudson" <>,
    > Objet : Re: Why people still want to encode precomposed letters
    > Ps. Even if potatoes in French are called "earth apples", nobody in
    > France calls them just "apples" because that would be confusing. Same here.

    You're wrong: "les pommes sautées" are referencing apples without precision, even though they are made with
    potatoes (also named "patates" in popular French register).

    Anyway we are on e list with computing specialists and those working with computer-based typesetting. I did not
    want to promote the terme kerning for the individual glyph metric properties but only for the contextual mutual
    interactions between pairs of glyphs/composites that are part of a subset of all possible pairs, that need a
    modification from the default glyph metrics.

    The term "mark-to-mark positioning" is too broad to designate these specialized position adjustments (in any
    direction), because it could be used to create overstrokes and other superpositions of glyphs (something that I
    DON'T call kerning because it is breaking the old metal type model that prohibits such collisions).

    And I've already seen the term "kerning" ("approche" in French typography) used for vertical adjustments as well
    (I've worked for more than 13 years in the domain of the press, books, guides, dictionaries and diaries): this was
    still interpreted as with the traditional process with metal types, and the term was used since long without any
    ambiguity for the vertical text layout (not just Latin, but more generally as well for ideographic vertical texts
    that use glyph styles with variable vertical height, and various "decorated" glyph styles). I've seen it used also
    for the traditional Eastern style for Arabic typesetting (where glyphs that make the same word are written over a
    slanted line that requires both an horizontal and vertical position adjustment.

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