Re: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy

From: Michael D'Errico (
Date: Tue Jan 06 2009 - 11:51:58 CST

  • Next message: Shawn Steele: "RE: Emoji and Search Engines"

    >> The tag characters are very different, actually. They are
    >> used to indicate that the following text is written in a
    >> particular language.
    > That was the markup application that the proposer had in mind,
    > but there is nothing preventing them from being used for other
    > markup applications.
    > Either way, the general concept is the same, and it's been panned.

    It's not the same -- perhaps you don't understand it. You also
    repeatedly ignore my questions about how you would solve this in
    a different way without using URL's (as you suggested earlier)
    or other markup and do it in plain text.


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