Re: +1/-1 in e-mail comments (was: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy)

From: James Kass (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2009 - 05:23:13 CST

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Re: +1/-1 in e-mail comments (was: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy)"

    Christopher Fynn responded,

    >Has this discussion now become some kind of point scoring competition?

    Hopefully not. Plain-text users appear to be a vast minority
    these days.
    >> Like an emoticon.
    >perhaps +1 & +2 could be automatically replaced by animated gifs...

    ...but only in rich-text applications, right?

    Karl may have meant the text string version of emoticon. With the
    icon emoticons, though, while some people may consider them jarring
    and distracting in text, other people may be somewhat accustomed to
    them. Those people may well be able to interpret them faster than
    the actual words they replace (or embellish). But, I wonder how
    well such people will do when those icons display in monochrome
    at 12 point?

    Best regards,

    James Kass

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