Re: font-encoded hacks

From: Denis Jacquerye <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2016 06:42:13 +0000

In may case people resort to these hacks because it is an easier short term
solution. All they have to do is use a specific font. They don't have to
switch or find and install a keyboard layout and they don't have to upgrade
to an OS that supports their script with Unicode properly. Because of these
sort term solutions it's hard for a switch to Unicode to gain proper
momentum. Unfortunately, not everybody sees the long term benefit, or often
they see it but cannot do it practically.

Too often Unicode compliant fonts or keyboard layouts have been lacking or
at least have taken much longer to be implemented.
One could wonder if a technical group for keyboards layouts would help this

On Fri, Oct 7, 2016, 07:12 Martin J. Dürst <> wrote:

> Hello Andrew,
> On 2016/10/07 11:11, Andrew Cunningham wrote:
> > Considering the mess that adhoc fonts create. What is the best way
> forward?
> That's very clear: Use Unicode.
> > Zwekabin, Mon, Zawgyi, and Zawgyi-Tai and their ilk?
> >
> > Most governemt translations I am seeing in Australia for Burmese are in
> > Zawgyi, while most of the Sgaw Karen tramslations are routinely in legacy
> > 8-bit fonts.
> Why don't you tell the Australian government?
> Regards, Martin.
Received on Fri Oct 07 2016 - 01:42:49 CDT

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