Accumulated Feedback on PRI #467

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Sat Feb 04 12:03:31 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230204120331
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 467

Now that UTN #50 has been published, a reference can be added to the Description 
of the kIRG_KPSource property in UAX #38, such as following:

See [UTN50], KP-Source Property Value History, for the complete history of property 
value changes that have been made to this property.

A corresponding entry needs to be added to Section 1 of UAX #41 (aka PRI #464).

Date/Time: Sat Feb 04 12:05:54 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230204120554
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 467

The text of UAX #38 uses both "field" and "property" to refer to Unihan database 
properties, and the latter is technically correct. I recommend that this be changed.

Date/Time: Sun Mar 05 03:24:31 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230305032431
Name: Eiso Chan
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Update for the description of K6-Source

KATS has updated KS X 1027-5 to KS X 1027-5:2021, please see;streamdocsId=72059264418840247 . 2.2 in
pp. 5-6 show the updates mentioned by me in IRGN2300 Feedback
( )
and horizontal extension requests in IRGN2468
( ).
All of the updates have been included in UCS and Unicode.

Date/Time: Tue Mar 07 21:38:24 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230307213824
Name: John Knightley
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 467

Suggest adding to kZhuangNumeric 乙 U+4e59 reading "it" value 1 from page 264 of 
Sawndip Sawdenj 古壮字字典. This would, to the best of my knowledge, complete the set 
of distinct Zhuang numeric characters from the dictionary.  

Date/Time: Thu Mar 30 14:16:08 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230330141608
Name: Alexei Chimendez
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 473/467

There are a number of CJK characters where the kDefinition property contains
a "cross-reference" in the form of "same as 〇". A selection follows:

> U+341C	(same as 仇)
> U+3507	(same as U+93FA 鏺)
> U+4E28	(same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡)
> U+3D88	(same as 濙 U+6FD9)
> U+4605	same as U+879A 螚
> U+5358	same as 單 U+55AE

> U+4291	(same as 餉 饟)
> U+3E31	(same as 㸰,犐)
> U+3A8B	(same as 扞, 捍)
> U+67F8	(same as 杯 [U+676F] and 桮 [U+686E])
> U+4280	(same as 䉿) (same as 糊)
> U+42E1	(same as 紓) (interchangeable 舒)
> U+4762	same as U+734C 獌 or U+8C99 貙

The majority of such annotations are of the form "(same as 〇)", but as can
be seen from the examples above, some include the codepoint before or
after, some include the name, some lack parentheses. If there are multiple
cross-references, they may be placed in the same parentheses, or
separately; and they may be separated by space, comma, both, or the
word "and" or "or".

For consistency, all such cross-references should be changed to the common
form. Or perhaps much of this information would be better off in separate
properties altogether, where it can be more easily parsed.

It is unclear how "interchangeable" differs from "same as"; UAX #38 says
nothing about this except that "in come cases, synonyms are indicated".

When a cross-reference appears within a definition, the comma is sometimes
mistakenly omitted, making it unclear to which minor definition the
parenthetical belongs with, for example:

> U+3EEA	a kind of jade (same as 璿 璇) fine jade

may belong to "a kind of jade" or "fine jade", whereas for example

> U+3EA9	jade articles, (same as 玌) a kind of jade

unambiguously belongs to "a kind of jade".

Date/Time: Thu Mar 30 07:42:47 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230330074247
Name: Eiso Chan
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Corrections for UAX #38

The following updates for kCantonese property have been discussed on the 
Slack chanel, and John Jenkins had been agreed for the updates.

U+20487 ji4
U+244B9 jip6
U+59DD zyu1
U+869D hou4

For U+20487 𠒇 and U+244B9 𤒹, Henry Chan once wrote as below.
“𠒇, variant of 兒, should have pronunciation of ji4
𤒹, corruption of 爗, should have pronunciation of jip6
both characters are single sourced through HKSCS, specifically through personal 
names section of HKSCS
𠒇, used by 雷莊𠒇,Miss Hong Kong 2017
𤒹, used by 江𤒹生 and his brother, deputy leader of HK boy group Mirror
they have been given the wrong pronunciations maau6 (貌/皃) and bat1 (畢) in the old 
LSHK table because apparently they did not consult the correct sources”
John replied as “I've made the corrections.”

For U+59DD 姝, I once wrote as below.
“The current kCantonese value for 姝 is syu1. I just see the TVB drama The 
Ghetto-Fabulous Lady (《福爾摩師奶》), and they read it as zyu1. zyu1 was included 
as the value, but removed.”
John replied as “Weird, because the only Mandarin reading is shū, but my two 
Cantonese sources both give zyu2 as a secondary Cantonese reading. I've gone 
ahead and made the change. It's too late for the Unicode 15.1 alpha, but it will 
show up shortly thereafter.”
I once initiated an investigation on the Cantonese reading of 姝 on one Bilibili 
chanel 粤语攴攴斋, and the result is that most of people lived in Guangzhou City 
use zyu1. Please listen to from 25:58 of P2 of if you are 
interested. Other friends lived in Guangzhou show me zyu1 as well.

For U+869D 蚝, I once also wrote as below.
“We need to change the kCantonese reading for 蚝 to hou4. It is the form for 
oyster 🦪 in Chinese mainland.”
John replied as “I've got the change queued up, unless there are any objections.”

Date/Time: Wed Apr 05 19:50:28 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230405195028
Name: Eiso Chan
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: Corrections for UAX #38

The current Bibliographic Information for sHanyuDaCidian1986 is not right. 
It should be corrected as below. The book name should be 漢語大辭典 for Chinese, 
not 韓語 for Korean; the original book used 詞典 not 辭典; publishing house or 
press means 出版社 in Chinese, not 出本社.

Luo Zhufeng 罗竹风, ed. Hanyu Da Cidian (Suoyinben) 漢語大詞典(缩印本) 
(Hanyu Da Cidian [Compact Edition]). n.p.: 漢語大詞典出版社 (Chinese Dictionary 
Publishing House), 1986. ISBN 7-5432-0014-7

Feedback above this line was reviewed during UTC #175 in April, 2023

Date/Time: Fri May 19 10:16:01 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230519101601
Name: FAN Ming
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 467

It's suggested to change the name of block 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I' 
to 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension J'(i.e. skip letter 'I'), in case the English 
letter 'I' is confused with latin numberial 'I' on some occasions.

Date/Time: Sat May 27 20:26:21 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230527202621
Name: Paul Masson
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: kPhonetic 990

In Casey this phonetic contains 10 characters. In both Unicode 14 and 15, it has swelled 
to well over 300 characters, most of which clearly do not belong. This appears to be the 
same problem as for phonetic 1157, which was corrected in Unicode 15.