Accumulated Feedback on PRI #473

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Wed Feb 08 10:28:00 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230208102800
Name: Kushim Jiang
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 473

In the current version of UCD > Unihan > IRGSources.txt, the kRSUnicode 
of U+2CC7B is 182'.5, which should be updated to 182''.5.

Date/Time: Wed Feb 08 10:43:06 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230208104306
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 473

Add a second kRSUnicode property value to the following four CJK Unified Ideographs:

U+29091 𩂑 kRSUnicode 173.4
U+313A4 𱎤 kRSUnicode 9.4
U+318C3 𱣃 kRSUnicode 75.4
U+31F50 𱽐 kRSUnicode 140.4

U+29091 𩂑 kRSUnicode 173.4 182''.8
U+313A4 𱎤 kRSUnicode 9.4 182''.2
U+318C3 𱣃 kRSUnicode 75.4 182''.4
U+31F50 𱽐 kRSUnicode 140.4 182''.4

Date/Time: Sun Feb 26 03:52:43 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230226035243
Name: Andrew West
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 473

KP1-8852 (⿰飠冋) is mapped to U+9907 餇, but it should be mapped to U+296B1 𩚱.

Date/Time: Sun Feb 26 07:39:21 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230226073921
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 473

The following three ideograph pairs have identical representative glyphs, 
and have kSpoofingVariant property values of each other:

U+5AB2 媲 & U+2180C 𡠌
U+7C51 籑 & U+25D89 𥶉
U+9459 鑙 & U+28BBA 𨮺

Ideograph pairs with identical representative glyphs should instead have 
kZVariant property values of each, so this should be changed.

In addition, the following two ideograph pairs have identical representative
glyphs, but have no property values that identify such a relationship, so
kZVariant property values should be assigned:

U+3777 㝷 & U+21B36 𡬶
U+237C3 𣟃 & U+2C13A 𬄺

Therefore, the following property values should be removed from the Unihan

U+5AB2 kSpoofingVariant U+2180C
U+7C51 kSpoofingVariant U+25D89
U+9459 kSpoofingVariant U+28BBA
U+2180C kSpoofingVariant U+5AB2
U+25D89 kSpoofingVariant U+7C51
U+28BBA kSpoofingVariant U+9459

And, the following property values should be added to the Unihan database:

U+3777 kZVariant U+21B36
U+5AB2 kZVariant U+2180C
U+7C51 kZVariant U+25D89
U+9459 kZVariant U+28BBA
U+2180C kZVariant U+5AB2
U+21B36 kZVariant U+3777
U+237C3 kZVariant U+2C13A
U+25D89 kZVariant U+7C51
U+28BBA kZVariant U+9459
U+2C13A kZVariant U+237C3

That is all.

Date/Time: Thu Mar 02 07:52:01 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230302075201
Name: Sean Barrie
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI #473

The unicode for the new Phoenix emoji should be '🐦+zwj+❤️‍🔥'(U+1F426, U+200D, U+2764, 
U+200D, U+1F525) appose to '🐦+zwj+🔥' as you are missing a great opportunity to 
include the additional '❤️' (heart), which directly compliments the majority of 
the Phoenix's main attributes: immortality, new life, regeneration, life/death, 
born-again, resurrection.

Date/Time: Sat Mar 04 10:21:52 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230304102152
Name: Andrew West
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 473

KP1-4850 is mapped to U+657B 敻 in the URO. It should be mapped to U+22FCC 𢿌 in Ext. B.

Date/Time: Sun Mar 12 19:28:26 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230312192826
Name: Andrew West
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 473

This is a complete list of KP glyphs which have suboptimal mappings:

KP1-3EC8 maps to U+5C12 尒 but glyph matches U+21B57 𡭗
KP1-3EE4 maps to U+5C35 尵 but glyph matches U+2BD52 𫵒
KP1-4850 maps to U+657B 敻 but glyph matches U+22FCC 𢿌
KP1-49AC maps to U+6685 暅 but glyph matches U+23236 𣈶
KP1-4A00 maps to U+66DA 曚 but glyph matches U+232E1 𣋡
KP1-5450 maps to U+702C 瀬 but glyph matches U+7028 瀨 (G glyph; KP has different glyph for U+7028)
KP1-5662 maps to U+7222 爢 but glyph matches U+3E0F 㸏 (G glyph)
KP1-5863 maps to U+7361 獡 but glyph matches U+2486F 𤡯
KP1-5B21 maps to U+7589 疉 but glyph matches U+24D01 𤴁 (T/V glyphs)
KP1-68CB maps to U+7F80 羀 but glyph matches U+2E29A 𮊚
KP1-8852 maps to U+9907 餇 but glyph matches U+296B1 𩚱
KP1-8699 maps to U+981A 頚 but glyph matches U+2948D 𩒍
KP1-3DB4 maps to U+217EE 𡟮 but glyph matches U+5A90 媐 (G/H/T/K glyphs)
KP1-44BD maps to U+2297B 𢥻 but glyph matches U+2D7E7 𭟧
KP1-4F56 maps to U+239F7 𣧷 but glyph matches U+2C194 𬆔
KP1-5565 maps to U+24275 𤉵 but glyph matches U+55A3 喣 (KP glyph is same for both characters)
KP1-5642 maps to U+24454 𤑔 but glyph matches U+2C2D6 𬋖
KP1-594E maps to U+249E8 𤧨 but glyph matches U+746F 瑯 (G/H/T glyphs)
KP1-59E2 maps to U+24ACA 𤫊 but glyph matches U+2919C 𩆜
KP1-5A33 maps to U+24B3E 𤬾 but glyph matches U+2C3A8 𬎨
KP1-5AE3 maps to U+24C67 𤱧 but glyph matches U+2DED0 𭻐
KP1-6202 maps to U+2579B 𥞛 but glyph matches U+2E0C4 𮃄
KP1-7818 maps to U+27BD5 𧯕 but glyph matches U+27BD6 𧯖
KP1-8FF5 maps to U+2A279 𪉹 but glyph matches U+400B 䀋

Date/Time: Thu Mar 30 14:04:04 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230330140404
Name: Alexei Chimendez
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 473

Some minor corrections and suggestions to the text of the Standard. I
understand that the minor release 15.1 will not update the core
specification, so please consider the following comments in anticipation of
the next major release.

1. In §3.6 Combination D56, in the following lines:

> This applies even to default_ignorable characters that are not also combining marks

> (which is both default_ignorable and a combining mark)

the phrases "default_ignorable [characters]" should be "characters with the
property Default_Ignorable_Code_Point", or simply "default ignorable
[characters]" without the underscore.

This definition could also mention the property Join_Control. That property
is already used in the definition of combining character sequences in
UAX #29 (Table 1c).

2. In §3.11 Normalization Forms D104, in the following line:

> Thus, while the correlation between ^\p{ccc=0] and \p{gc=Mn} is close,

the right square bracket should be a right curly bracket.

Date/Time: Mon Apr 03 16:20:43 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230403162043
Name: Zilichi
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 473

Sean Barrie Commented above about the Fire-Bird emoji, I've some thoughts
regarding the same. I think the emoji code-point is correct, but in this
case we should give more emphasis on Fire as the main character rather than
the bird.

In the symbolism of the phoenix or reincarnation bird, fire🔥 is often
considered the primary element or character, representing the
transformative power of destruction and rebirth. The bird 🐦 on the other
hand, represents the PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION of this transformation,
emerging from the ashes of the fire to be reborn.

Therefore, in the proposed phoenix or reincarnation bird emoji, the fire
element should be given prominence, as it is the key symbol of the concept
being conveyed. By placing the fire emoji before the bird emoji in the
sequence, as in {1F525}{200D}{1F426}, 🔥🐦 it emphasizes the importance of
the fire element and more accurately represents the symbolism of the
phoenix or reincarnation bird.

In Greek mythology, the phoenix was known as a bird that was cyclically
reborn from its own ashes. It was said to be associated with the sun god
Apollo and was often depicted as a golden or red bird with fiery plumage.
It certainly talks about 

There I propose, the code points to be literal {1F525}{200D}{1F426} which is
🔥{ZWJ}🐦 and not the other way around

Date/Time: Mon Apr 03 17:15:13 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230403171513
Name: Karan T.
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: #473

in the Firebird emoji, an extra emphasis should be laid on fire. In many
cultures, fire is associated with powerful and transformative forces, such
as destruction and rebirth. These symbolic associations are often reflected
in mythological creatures and stories, such as the firebird, which is said
to be reborn from its own ashes. In this context, placing the fire element
before the bird element in the firebird emoji sequence would better reflect
the symbolic importance of fire in the creature's story and mythology.

The order of elements in a composite emoji sequence can also affect the way
the emoji is interpreted and understood. By placing the fire element before
the bird element in the firebird emoji sequence, the emphasis is on the
fire and its associated symbolism, rather than on the bird itself. This can
help to reinforce the idea that fire is a central part of the creature's
identity and meaning. In some languages and cultures, the order of elements
in a sequence can affect the way the sequence is read or pronounced. For
example, in some languages, placing the fire element before the bird
element may result in a more natural or intuitive reading or pronunciation.
This may be another reason to consider placing the fire element before the
bird element in the firebird emoji sequence. while the sequence of elements
in a composite emoji may seem like a small detail, it can have significant
implications for the way the emoji is interpreted, understood, and used. 

Therefore I propose 🔥ZWJ🐦 instead 🐦ZWJ🔥

Karan T.
University of Delhi

This PRI is closed. No further comments are being added.