
Approved Motions of the UTC 99 / L2 196 Joint Meeting
Toronto, Ontario, Canada -- June 15 - 18, 2004
Hosted by IBM
June 25, 2004

UTC #99 Agenda

[99-C1] Consensus: Approve minutes of meeting 98.

[99-C2] Consensus: Add a new property "Other_ID_Continue", in the next version of the standard.

[99-C3] Consensus: UTC will fix the Ethiopic digits by adding them to Other_ID_Continue.

[99-C4] Consensus: Change the linebreak class of CGJ from CM (combining) to GL (glue) in the data file. L2/04-123.

[99-C5] Consensus: Give U+1D96, U+1DA4, U+1DA8 the soft dotted property, as in L2/04-144.

[99-C6] Consensus: Post a public review issue on use of the term "directional run" in UAX #9.

[99-C7] Consensus: Add information in Derived Core Properties that defines default property values, including bidi, for codepoints not represented in UnicodeData.txt.

[99-C8] Consensus: UTC accepts 27 Phoenician characters as documented in L2/04-141R2. Proposed for encoding at 10900 and following; with block name Phoenician with range 10900-1091F.

[99-C9] Consensus: Add a field to Unihan.txt called "kIICore" that will track the collection ID and set of IICore. It will represent a "catalog property".

[99-C10] Consensus: UTC wishes IICore to be versioned, and once included a character should never be removed from the collection.

[99-C11] Consensus: Consensus 99-C11 is void.

[99-C12] Consensus: The sense of the UTC is that the CTT proposal for Hangul ordering in document L2/04-108 (WG2 N2715) brings forth many useful and important ideas, however it would be a substantive change and therefore requires more in-depth technical analysis before proceeding. Therefore, UTC does not agree to changing the default table in response this proposal at this time.

[99-C13] Consensus: The proposal in L2/04-109 (WG2 N2716) has not been linguistically substantiated and would have significant performance penalty. Thus it should not be incorporated into the default table.

[99-C14] Consensus: The proposal in L2/04-110 (WG2 N2717) has not been linguistically substantiated and would have significant performance penalty. Thus it should not be incorporated into the default table.

[99-C15] Consensus: The proposal in L2/04-111 (WG2 N2718) has not been linguistically substantiated and would have significant performance penalty. Thus it should not be incorporated into the default table. We are open to additional clarifications on the informal specification of Thai ordering in given in Annex C2 of 14651.

[99-C16] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the collation order for Greek Letter (capital and small) San to its historical order as given in L2/04-034.

[99-C17] Consensus: Failing a clear consensus from the Greek classicist community, the UTC does not accept the proposal to change the collation order of Koppa given in L2/04-030R.

[99-M1] Motion: Accept the 48 symbols, unified ideographs, and vertical forms documented in L2/04-263.

Moved by Michel Suignard, 2nd Eric Muller

7 for
0 against
2 abstain (JustSystem, Francophonie)

Motion 99-M1 carries.

[99-M2] Note: Motion 99-M2 is void.

[99-C18] Consensus: Encode "Bengali Letter Khanda Ta" at U+09CE.

[99-C19] Consensus: Advance draft UTR #23 to UTR #23 after incorporating the editorial feedback in PRI #32 (L2/04-251), update and post as UTR #23.

[99-C20] Consensus: UTC accepts the reordering of Tai Lue as documented in L2/04-164; prefer not to decompose; UTC instructs the liaison to WG2 to negotiate item 5 of the Chinese comments in document L2/04-147, and to be flexible on names.

[99-C21] Consensus: UTC accepts the U+0358 combining right dot above.

[99-C22] Consensus: UTC accepts the repertoire of 116 Ethiopic characters documented in L2/04-143.

[99-C23] Consensus: UTC accepts the repertoire and name changes to the cuneiform encoding given in document L2/04-189, and requests that it be included in PDAM 2 of 10646.

[99-C24] Consensus: UTC accepts U+05A2 HEBREW ACCENT ATNAH HAFUKH and change the glyph of U+05AA in a future version of the standard.


[99-M3] Motion: UTC accepts U+05BA QAMATS FORM 2 with an annotation referencing U+05B8 QAMATS, and with representative glyph as specified for Qamats Qatan in L2/04-237.

Moved by Ken Whistler, Rick McGowan

5 for
1 against (HP)
3 abstain (Apple, Adobe, RLG)

Motion 99-M3 carries.

[99-C26] Consensus: UTC accepts the 4 characters:


and moves the previously accepted LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH STROKE to U+023C.

[99-C27] Consensus: UTC replaces the Coptic repertoire with the 114 characters documented in L2/04-130.

[99-C28] Consensus: UTC supports the Coptic glyph changes requested by the Irish comments.

[99-C29] Consensus: UTC accepts U+1DC3 COMBINING SUSPENSION MARK.

[99-M4] Motion: UTC accepts U+20BA HRYVNIA SIGN and U+20B5 CEDI SIGN.

Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Uma

7 for
2 against (MS, HP)
0 abstain

Motion 99-M4 carries.

[99-C30] Consensus: UTC supports the Irish ballot comments in L2/04-154 regarding Phags-pa and requests the WG2 liaison to support the recommendation from the scripts subcommittee in L2/04-259R.

[99-C31] Consensus: UTC accepts the two Bhutanese marks U+0FD0 TIBETAN MARK BSKA-SHOG GI MGO RGYAN and U+0FD1 TIBETAN MARK MNYAM YIG GI MGO RGYAN.

[99-C32] Consensus: UTC accepts the five subscripted small Latin letters lower case e, a, o, x and schwa at U+2090 - U+2094.

[99-C33] Consensus: UTC accept the 55 Tifinagh characters for encoding in the range U+2D30 through U+2D65 and U+2D6F, with Tifinagh block at U+2D30..U+2D7F.

[99-M5] Motion: UTC accepts the repertoire of 23 modifier tone letters in L2/04-107 (N2713) at U+A700 - U+A716 with block name "Modifier Tone Letters" U+A700 - U+A71F.

Moved by Rick McGowan, Seconded by Uma

8 for
0 against
1 abstain (Justsystem)

Motion 99-M5 carries.

[99-C34] Consensus: UTC does not oppose the encoding of the DPRK 106 compatibility characters, unless contrary evidence is brought forward.

[99-C35] Consensus: UTC opposes the inclusion of a new character for the umlaut/trema distinction. UTC suggests to DIN that they use CGJ to distinguish umlaut from trema.

[99-M6] Motion: When for German a distinction needs to be maintained for sorting between umlaut and trema, that trema should be represented by a CGJ followed by combining diaeresis, and that collation tables should be weighted appropriately.

Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Sandra O'Donnell

8 for
0 against
1 abstain (Francophonie)

Motion 99-M6 carries.

[99-C36] Consensus: UTC accepts the two Africanist letters at U+023F LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH SWASH TAIL and U+0240 LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH SWASH TAIL.

[99-C37] Consensus: UTC recommends that "right-side" forms of conjuncts in Sinhala be represented by a sequence of <zwj, virama, consonant>.

[99-C38] Consensus: UTC accepts the 18 counting rod numerals for encoding at U+1D360 - U+1D371, with block name "Counting Rod Numerals" U+1D360 through U+1D37F.

[99-C39] Consensus: UTC accepts U+0241 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER GLOTTAL STOP.

[99-C40] Consensus: The game proposal L2/04-163 requires further study.

[99-M7] Motion: Accept the rule documented in L2/04-215.

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Deborah Goldsmith

2 for (Apple, IBM)
2 against (MS, HP proxy)
3 abstain (Sybase, RLG, Adobe)

Motion 99-M7 fails

[99-M8] Motion: Accept the rule documented in L2/04-215, without the colon.

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Deborah Goldsmith

5 for
0 against
2 abstain (HP, RLG)

Motion 99-M8 carries.

[99-M9] Motion: Accept A, B, and E1 from document L2/04-152R. Section C should be taken into account during the rewrite of Scripts UAX. Decision on sections D and E2 will be postponed to the August UTC.

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Eric Muller

5 for
0 against
2 abstain (HP, RLG)

Motion 99-M9 carries.