
Also known as Ge'ez.


1200 ሀ Ethiopic Syllable Ha
1201 ሁ Ethiopic Syllable Hu
1202 ሂ Ethiopic Syllable Hi
1203 ሃ Ethiopic Syllable Haa
1204 ሄ Ethiopic Syllable Hee
1205 ህ Ethiopic Syllable He
1206 ሆ Ethiopic Syllable Ho
1207 ሇ Ethiopic Syllable Hoa
1208 ለ Ethiopic Syllable La
1209 ሉ Ethiopic Syllable Lu
120A ሊ Ethiopic Syllable Li
120B ላ Ethiopic Syllable Laa
120C ሌ Ethiopic Syllable Lee
120D ል Ethiopic Syllable Le
120E ሎ Ethiopic Syllable Lo
120F ሏ Ethiopic Syllable Lwa
1210 ሐ Ethiopic Syllable Hha
1211 ሑ Ethiopic Syllable Hhu
1212 ሒ Ethiopic Syllable Hhi
1213 ሓ Ethiopic Syllable Hhaa
1214 ሔ Ethiopic Syllable Hhee
1215 ሕ Ethiopic Syllable Hhe
1216 ሖ Ethiopic Syllable Hho
1217 ሗ Ethiopic Syllable Hhwa
1218 መ Ethiopic Syllable Ma
1219 ሙ Ethiopic Syllable Mu
121A ሚ Ethiopic Syllable Mi
121B ማ Ethiopic Syllable Maa
121C ሜ Ethiopic Syllable Mee
121D ም Ethiopic Syllable Me
121E ሞ Ethiopic Syllable Mo
121F ሟ Ethiopic Syllable Mwa
1220 ሠ Ethiopic Syllable Sza
1221 ሡ Ethiopic Syllable Szu
1222 ሢ Ethiopic Syllable Szi
1223 ሣ Ethiopic Syllable Szaa
1224 ሤ Ethiopic Syllable Szee
1225 ሥ Ethiopic Syllable Sze
1226 ሦ Ethiopic Syllable Szo
1227 ሧ Ethiopic Syllable Szwa
1228 ረ Ethiopic Syllable Ra
1229 ሩ Ethiopic Syllable Ru
122A ሪ Ethiopic Syllable Ri
122B ራ Ethiopic Syllable Raa
122C ሬ Ethiopic Syllable Ree
122D ር Ethiopic Syllable Re
122E ሮ Ethiopic Syllable Ro
122F ሯ Ethiopic Syllable Rwa
1230 ሰ Ethiopic Syllable Sa
1231 ሱ Ethiopic Syllable Su
1232 ሲ Ethiopic Syllable Si
1233 ሳ Ethiopic Syllable Saa
1234 ሴ Ethiopic Syllable See
1235 ስ Ethiopic Syllable Se
1236 ሶ Ethiopic Syllable So
1237 ሷ Ethiopic Syllable Swa
1238 ሸ Ethiopic Syllable Sha
1239 ሹ Ethiopic Syllable Shu
123A ሺ Ethiopic Syllable Shi
123B ሻ Ethiopic Syllable Shaa
123C ሼ Ethiopic Syllable Shee
123D ሽ Ethiopic Syllable She
123E ሾ Ethiopic Syllable Sho
123F ሿ Ethiopic Syllable Shwa
1240 ቀ Ethiopic Syllable Qa
1241 ቁ Ethiopic Syllable Qu
1242 ቂ Ethiopic Syllable Qi
1243 ቃ Ethiopic Syllable Qaa
1244 ቄ Ethiopic Syllable Qee
1245 ቅ Ethiopic Syllable Qe
1246 ቆ Ethiopic Syllable Qo
1247 ቇ Ethiopic Syllable Qoa
1248 ቈ Ethiopic Syllable Qwa
124A ቊ Ethiopic Syllable Qwi
  1E7F0 𞟰 ethiopic syllable gurage qwi
124B ቋ Ethiopic Syllable Qwaa
124C ቌ Ethiopic Syllable Qwee
  1E7F1 𞟱 ethiopic syllable gurage qwee
124D ቍ Ethiopic Syllable Qwe
  1E7F2 𞟲 ethiopic syllable gurage qwe
1250 ቐ Ethiopic Syllable Qha
1251 ቑ Ethiopic Syllable Qhu
1252 ቒ Ethiopic Syllable Qhi
1253 ቓ Ethiopic Syllable Qhaa
1254 ቔ Ethiopic Syllable Qhee
1255 ቕ Ethiopic Syllable Qhe
1256 ቖ Ethiopic Syllable Qho
1258 ቘ Ethiopic Syllable Qhwa
125A ቚ Ethiopic Syllable Qhwi
125B ቛ Ethiopic Syllable Qhwaa
125C ቜ Ethiopic Syllable Qhwee
125D ቝ Ethiopic Syllable Qhwe
1260 በ Ethiopic Syllable Ba
1261 ቡ Ethiopic Syllable Bu
1262 ቢ Ethiopic Syllable Bi
1263 ባ Ethiopic Syllable Baa
1264 ቤ Ethiopic Syllable Bee
1265 ብ Ethiopic Syllable Be
1266 ቦ Ethiopic Syllable Bo
1267 ቧ Ethiopic Syllable Bwa
1268 ቨ Ethiopic Syllable Va
1269 ቩ Ethiopic Syllable Vu
126A ቪ Ethiopic Syllable Vi
126B ቫ Ethiopic Syllable Vaa
126C ቬ Ethiopic Syllable Vee
126D ቭ Ethiopic Syllable Ve
126E ቮ Ethiopic Syllable Vo
126F ቯ Ethiopic Syllable Vwa
1270 ተ Ethiopic Syllable Ta
1271 ቱ Ethiopic Syllable Tu
1272 ቲ Ethiopic Syllable Ti
1273 ታ Ethiopic Syllable Taa
1274 ቴ Ethiopic Syllable Tee
1275 ት Ethiopic Syllable Te
1276 ቶ Ethiopic Syllable To
1277 ቷ Ethiopic Syllable Twa
1278 ቸ Ethiopic Syllable Ca
1279 ቹ Ethiopic Syllable Cu
127A ቺ Ethiopic Syllable Ci
127B ቻ Ethiopic Syllable Caa
127C ቼ Ethiopic Syllable Cee
127D ች Ethiopic Syllable Ce
127E ቾ Ethiopic Syllable Co
127F ቿ Ethiopic Syllable Cwa
1280 ኀ Ethiopic Syllable Xa
1281 ኁ Ethiopic Syllable Xu
1282 ኂ Ethiopic Syllable Xi
1283 ኃ Ethiopic Syllable Xaa
1284 ኄ Ethiopic Syllable Xee
1285 ኅ Ethiopic Syllable Xe
1286 ኆ Ethiopic Syllable Xo
1287 ኇ Ethiopic Syllable Xoa
1288 ኈ Ethiopic Syllable Xwa
128A ኊ Ethiopic Syllable Xwi
128B ኋ Ethiopic Syllable Xwaa
128C ኌ Ethiopic Syllable Xwee
128D ኍ Ethiopic Syllable Xwe
1290 ነ Ethiopic Syllable Na
1291 ኑ Ethiopic Syllable Nu
1292 ኒ Ethiopic Syllable Ni
1293 ና Ethiopic Syllable Naa
1294 ኔ Ethiopic Syllable Nee
1295 ን Ethiopic Syllable Ne
1296 ኖ Ethiopic Syllable No
1297 ኗ Ethiopic Syllable Nwa
1298 ኘ Ethiopic Syllable Nya
1299 ኙ Ethiopic Syllable Nyu
129A ኚ Ethiopic Syllable Nyi
129B ኛ Ethiopic Syllable Nyaa
129C ኜ Ethiopic Syllable Nyee
129D ኝ Ethiopic Syllable Nye
129E ኞ Ethiopic Syllable Nyo
129F ኟ Ethiopic Syllable Nywa
12A0 አ Ethiopic Syllable Glottal A
12A1 ኡ Ethiopic Syllable Glottal U
12A2 ኢ Ethiopic Syllable Glottal I
12A3 ኣ Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Aa
12A4 ኤ Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Ee
12A5 እ Ethiopic Syllable Glottal E
12A6 ኦ Ethiopic Syllable Glottal O
12A7 ኧ Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Wa
12A8 ከ Ethiopic Syllable Ka
12A9 ኩ Ethiopic Syllable Ku
12AA ኪ Ethiopic Syllable Ki
12AB ካ Ethiopic Syllable Kaa
12AC ኬ Ethiopic Syllable Kee
12AD ክ Ethiopic Syllable Ke
12AE ኮ Ethiopic Syllable Ko
12AF ኯ Ethiopic Syllable Koa
12B0 ኰ Ethiopic Syllable Kwa
12B2 ኲ Ethiopic Syllable Kwi
  1E7F5 𞟵 ethiopic syllable gurage kwi
12B3 ኳ Ethiopic Syllable Kwaa
12B4 ኴ Ethiopic Syllable Kwee
  1E7F6 𞟶 ethiopic syllable gurage kwee
12B5 ኵ Ethiopic Syllable Kwe
  1E7F7 𞟷 ethiopic syllable gurage kwe
12B8 ኸ Ethiopic Syllable Kxa
12B9 ኹ Ethiopic Syllable Kxu
12BA ኺ Ethiopic Syllable Kxi
12BB ኻ Ethiopic Syllable Kxaa
12BC ኼ Ethiopic Syllable Kxee
12BD ኽ Ethiopic Syllable Kxe
12BE ኾ Ethiopic Syllable Kxo
12C0 ዀ Ethiopic Syllable Kxwa
  1E7E8 𞟨 ethiopic syllable gurage hhwa
12C2 ዂ Ethiopic Syllable Kxwi
  1E7E9 𞟩 ethiopic syllable hhwi
12C3 ዃ Ethiopic Syllable Kxwaa
12C4 ዄ Ethiopic Syllable Kxwee
  1E7EA 𞟪 ethiopic syllable hhwee
12C5 ዅ Ethiopic Syllable Kxwe
  1E7EB 𞟫 ethiopic syllable hhwe
12C8 ወ Ethiopic Syllable Wa
12C9 ዉ Ethiopic Syllable Wu
12CA ዊ Ethiopic Syllable Wi
12CB ዋ Ethiopic Syllable Waa
12CC ዌ Ethiopic Syllable Wee
12CD ው Ethiopic Syllable We
12CE ዎ Ethiopic Syllable Wo
12CF ዏ Ethiopic Syllable Woa
12D0 ዐ Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal A
12D1 ዑ Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal U
12D2 ዒ Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal I
12D3 ዓ Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal Aa
12D4 ዔ Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal Ee
12D5 ዕ Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal E
12D6 ዖ Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal O
12D8 ዘ Ethiopic Syllable Za
12D9 ዙ Ethiopic Syllable Zu
12DA ዚ Ethiopic Syllable Zi
12DB ዛ Ethiopic Syllable Zaa
12DC ዜ Ethiopic Syllable Zee
12DD ዝ Ethiopic Syllable Ze
12DE ዞ Ethiopic Syllable Zo
12DF ዟ Ethiopic Syllable Zwa
12E0 ዠ Ethiopic Syllable Zha
12E1 ዡ Ethiopic Syllable Zhu
12E2 ዢ Ethiopic Syllable Zhi
12E3 ዣ Ethiopic Syllable Zhaa
12E4 ዤ Ethiopic Syllable Zhee
12E5 ዥ Ethiopic Syllable Zhe
12E6 ዦ Ethiopic Syllable Zho
12E7 ዧ Ethiopic Syllable Zhwa
12E8 የ Ethiopic Syllable Ya
12E9 ዩ Ethiopic Syllable Yu
12EA ዪ Ethiopic Syllable Yi
12EB ያ Ethiopic Syllable Yaa
12EC ዬ Ethiopic Syllable Yee
12ED ይ Ethiopic Syllable Ye
12EE ዮ Ethiopic Syllable Yo
12EF ዯ Ethiopic Syllable Yoa
12F0 ደ Ethiopic Syllable Da
12F1 ዱ Ethiopic Syllable Du
12F2 ዲ Ethiopic Syllable Di
12F3 ዳ Ethiopic Syllable Daa
12F4 ዴ Ethiopic Syllable Dee
12F5 ድ Ethiopic Syllable De
12F6 ዶ Ethiopic Syllable Do
12F7 ዷ Ethiopic Syllable Dwa
12F8 ዸ Ethiopic Syllable Dda
12F9 ዹ Ethiopic Syllable Ddu
12FA ዺ Ethiopic Syllable Ddi
12FB ዻ Ethiopic Syllable Ddaa
12FC ዼ Ethiopic Syllable Ddee
12FD ዽ Ethiopic Syllable Dde
12FE ዾ Ethiopic Syllable Ddo
12FF ዿ Ethiopic Syllable Ddwa
1300 ጀ Ethiopic Syllable Ja
1301 ጁ Ethiopic Syllable Ju
1302 ጂ Ethiopic Syllable Ji
1303 ጃ Ethiopic Syllable Jaa
1304 ጄ Ethiopic Syllable Jee
1305 ጅ Ethiopic Syllable Je
1306 ጆ Ethiopic Syllable Jo
1307 ጇ Ethiopic Syllable Jwa
1308 ገ Ethiopic Syllable Ga
1309 ጉ Ethiopic Syllable Gu
130A ጊ Ethiopic Syllable Gi
130B ጋ Ethiopic Syllable Gaa
130C ጌ Ethiopic Syllable Gee
130D ግ Ethiopic Syllable Ge
130E ጎ Ethiopic Syllable Go
130F ጏ Ethiopic Syllable Goa
1310 ጐ Ethiopic Syllable Gwa
1312 ጒ Ethiopic Syllable Gwi
  1E7F8 𞟸 ethiopic syllable gurage gwi
1313 ጓ Ethiopic Syllable Gwaa
1314 ጔ Ethiopic Syllable Gwee
  1E7F9 𞟹 ethiopic syllable gurage gwee
1315 ጕ Ethiopic Syllable Gwe
  1E7FA 𞟺 ethiopic syllable gurage gwe
1318 ጘ Ethiopic Syllable Gga
1319 ጙ Ethiopic Syllable Ggu
131A ጚ Ethiopic Syllable Ggi
131B ጛ Ethiopic Syllable Ggaa
131C ጜ Ethiopic Syllable Ggee
131D ጝ Ethiopic Syllable Gge
131E ጞ Ethiopic Syllable Ggo
131F ጟ Ethiopic Syllable Ggwaa
1320 ጠ Ethiopic Syllable Tha
1321 ጡ Ethiopic Syllable Thu
1322 ጢ Ethiopic Syllable Thi
1323 ጣ Ethiopic Syllable Thaa
1324 ጤ Ethiopic Syllable Thee
1325 ጥ Ethiopic Syllable The
1326 ጦ Ethiopic Syllable Tho
1327 ጧ Ethiopic Syllable Thwa
1328 ጨ Ethiopic Syllable Cha
1329 ጩ Ethiopic Syllable Chu
132A ጪ Ethiopic Syllable Chi
132B ጫ Ethiopic Syllable Chaa
132C ጬ Ethiopic Syllable Chee
132D ጭ Ethiopic Syllable Che
132E ጮ Ethiopic Syllable Cho
132F ጯ Ethiopic Syllable Chwa
1330 ጰ Ethiopic Syllable Pha
1331 ጱ Ethiopic Syllable Phu
1332 ጲ Ethiopic Syllable Phi
1333 ጳ Ethiopic Syllable Phaa
1334 ጴ Ethiopic Syllable Phee
1335 ጵ Ethiopic Syllable Phe
1336 ጶ Ethiopic Syllable Pho
1337 ጷ Ethiopic Syllable Phwa
1338 ጸ Ethiopic Syllable Tsa
1339 ጹ Ethiopic Syllable Tsu
133A ጺ Ethiopic Syllable Tsi
133B ጻ Ethiopic Syllable Tsaa
133C ጼ Ethiopic Syllable Tsee
133D ጽ Ethiopic Syllable Tse
133E ጾ Ethiopic Syllable Tso
133F ጿ Ethiopic Syllable Tswa
1340 ፀ Ethiopic Syllable Tza
1341 ፁ Ethiopic Syllable Tzu
1342 ፂ Ethiopic Syllable Tzi
1343 ፃ Ethiopic Syllable Tzaa
1344 ፄ Ethiopic Syllable Tzee
1345 ፅ Ethiopic Syllable Tze
1346 ፆ Ethiopic Syllable Tzo
1347 ፇ Ethiopic Syllable Tzoa
1348 ፈ Ethiopic Syllable Fa
1349 ፉ Ethiopic Syllable Fu
134A ፊ Ethiopic Syllable Fi
134B ፋ Ethiopic Syllable Faa
134C ፌ Ethiopic Syllable Fee
134D ፍ Ethiopic Syllable Fe
134E ፎ Ethiopic Syllable Fo
134F ፏ Ethiopic Syllable Fwa
1350 ፐ Ethiopic Syllable Pa
1351 ፑ Ethiopic Syllable Pu
1352 ፒ Ethiopic Syllable Pi
1353 ፓ Ethiopic Syllable Paa
1354 ፔ Ethiopic Syllable Pee
1355 ፕ Ethiopic Syllable Pe
1356 ፖ Ethiopic Syllable Po
1357 ፗ Ethiopic Syllable Pwa
1358 ፘ Ethiopic Syllable Rya
1359 ፙ Ethiopic Syllable Mya
135A ፚ Ethiopic Syllable Fya

Combining marks

135D ◌፝ Ethiopic Combining Gemination And Vowel Length Mark
135E ◌፞ Ethiopic Combining Vowel Length Mark
135F ◌፟ Ethiopic Combining Gemination Mark


1360 ፠ Ethiopic Section Mark
1361 ፡ Ethiopic Wordspace
1362 ። Ethiopic Full Stop
1363 ፣ Ethiopic Comma
1364 ፤ Ethiopic Semicolon
1365 ፥ Ethiopic Colon
1366 ፦ Ethiopic Preface Colon
1367 ፧ Ethiopic Question Mark
1368 ፨ Ethiopic Paragraph Separator


1369 ፩ Ethiopic Digit One
136A ፪ Ethiopic Digit Two
136B ፫ Ethiopic Digit Three
136C ፬ Ethiopic Digit Four
136D ፭ Ethiopic Digit Five
136E ፮ Ethiopic Digit Six
136F ፯ Ethiopic Digit Seven
1370 ፰ Ethiopic Digit Eight
1371 ፱ Ethiopic Digit Nine


1372 ፲ Ethiopic Number Ten
1373 ፳ Ethiopic Number Twenty
1374 ፴ Ethiopic Number Thirty
1375 ፵ Ethiopic Number Forty
1376 ፶ Ethiopic Number Fifty
1377 ፷ Ethiopic Number Sixty
1378 ፸ Ethiopic Number Seventy
1379 ፹ Ethiopic Number Eighty
137A ፺ Ethiopic Number Ninety
137B ፻ Ethiopic Number Hundred
137C ፼ Ethiopic Number Ten Thousand