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XLIFF - The New Localisation Standard

Reinhard Schäler - University of Limerick

Intended Audience: Managers, Software Engineers, Systems Analysts, Localisation Engineers and Experts
Session Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

In 2001, software publishers and service providers jointly developed the new XLIFF standard. This standard, now placed under the umbrella of OASIS, is XML-based. It will address many of the issues faced the localisation industry when preparing digital material for different locales. This panel session will provide an overview of the background to the development of XLIFF, it will give an introduction to XLIFF at technical level and it will showcase areas where XLIFF is already being used by developers, service providers and tools developers.

When the world wants to talk, it speaks Unicode

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Unicode Standard Conference Board Conference CD Last Conference Past Conferences Next Conference
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19 January 2002, Webmaster