Heads up on Hong Kong Conference

From: Lisa Moore (lisam@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Wed Dec 13 1995 - 20:49:15 EST

Hello Unicoders -

As you ease into holiday cheer, here's something coming up on the
Unicode horizon: a spring Hong Kong Unicode conference. If you want to
see Hong Kong in April, here's your chance. We are actively seeking
speakers. The Call for Papers will be out very soon, but I wanted to
let you know that the conference is a "go". The hotel contract should
be signed by Friday.

   The Eighth Unicode/ISO 10646 International Conference

                     April 18, 19

                       Hong Kong

    Approximate conference registration fee:

        member $650
        early-bird 695
        full 750

Once the final contract is signed, our conference managment will
finalize the registration fees, etc.


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