Re: Unicode & Han

From: David Goldsmith (
Date: Mon Aug 12 1996 - 00:04:18 EDT

>At 12:12 1996-08-11, Edward Cherlin wrote:
>>Apple promises good Unicode support in Copland, which was supposed to be
>>out by now. Delays are nothing new in the world of software, however. (Oh,
>>yes, and how about all of us Mac users on the list applying to Apple in a
>>body as testers? I think I'll go set that in motion, too.)
>Sounds good to me.

If you want to use Apple's Unicode support for Mac, the first product
which uses it is CyberDog 1.1. The beta 2 version is available at right now, and the final 1.1 should be
available shortly.

All of the character set support for internet access in CyberDog is based
on using Unicode as an intermediary. It also has some direct Unicode
(UTF-8 and UTF-7) support (I don't know how much made it in; I'm on a
trip right now and haven't had a chance to test it).

David Goldsmith
International Software Architect
Apple Computer, Inc.

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