Re: Latin00 (was Re: MES as an ISO standard?)

From: Alain LaBont\i SCT (
Date: Sun Jul 06 1997 - 22:43:35 EDT

A 21:54 04/07/97 -0400, Chris Lilley a écrit :
>Content-Description: Text
>Content-Type: text/plain ; charset=iso-8859-1
>X-Zm-Decoding-Hint: mimencode -q -u
>On Jul 3, 8:34am, Alain LaBonté SCT wrote:
>> You got a nice illustration of the problem we're trying to solve and that I
>> am confident we will solve it.
>> We modified that "Latin 0" proposal Wednesday night before we hold the
>> SC2/WG3 meeting and SC2 Plenary later on this week and next week. Apart
>> from the EURO, the French ligatures OE,

[Chris] :
>the oe ligature (or character, depending on who you ask and what country they
>are from) is also required for full support of British English.
>Compare American English "fetus" and British English "fœtus"

[Alain] :
Excellent news!

[Alain] :
>> the upper case Y DIARESEIS, the
>> missing characters for full support of Finnish in Latin 1 (a language
>> which, like French, was supposed to be covered fully but which was not)
>> will be added in this new Latin table intended to replace Latin 1 in 5
>> years at the latest during parallel transition to UNICODE, of course (and,
>> importantly, as a standard reference for private codes like EBCDIC code
>> tables on main frames to allow full platform range character integrity).
>> Btw the missing Finnish characters are upper case and lower case S CARON
>> and Z CARON.

[Chris] :
>Interesting that these are also in WGL-4 and in MacRoman character sets.

[Alain] :
>> The proposal was initially a joint France-Canada proposal. It is now
>> officially a France-Canada-Finland-Ireland-Denmark proposal. Other
>> countries' support is very likely as per the atmosphere that reigns in
>> corridors here.

[Chris] :
>You should be able to get the British to support it too, citing the Oxford
>English Dictionary.

[Alain] :
At the CEN/TC304 meeting where I attended on Saturday 5 July, the United
Kingdom indeed, as well as 7 other countries (including France which I
represented by proxy on this very specific issue; total of 8 means
unanimity of the CEN member countries present at this meeting, and three
more non-member countries at least were ready to support the proposal),
supported the revised proposal satisfying the 5 sponsors (EURO + French and
Finnish languages integral support). This is before the question is
discussed at the JTC1/SC2/WG3 meeting on Monday 7 July where about 20
countries or so are expected (so far 26 countries have officially attended
at least one of the meetings surrounding the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2 Plenary to be
held in the middle of our second week in Iraklion).

It is very encouraging that just in a few days we got this European support
from the initial France-Canada proposal which has now become a European

It will likely be revised to change the EURO symbol position to replace the
PLUS OR MINUS sign rather than the sputnik-like currency symbol used in
some applications as a FIELD SEPARATOR and by some other applications for
SUBTOTAL accounting function. The CENT sign is likely to remain intact to
avoid confusion. All this was developed within the list of open characters
identified at the beginning of the proposal, two of which will finally
remain intact because we do not need them so far to achieve a well-defined
correction-of-Latin-1 goal combined with the provision of the EURO sign.

[Chris] :
>Chris Lilley, W3C [ ]
>Graphics and Fonts Guy The World Wide Web Consortium
> INRIA, Projet W3C
> 2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
>+33 (0)4 93 65 79 87 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Alain LaBonté
Iraklion, Ellas

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