Re: Mayan, Rongo-Rongo (was Re: Etruscan)

From: Martin J. Dürst (
Date: Wed Nov 05 1997 - 11:58:43 EST

On Wed, 5 Nov 1997, Michael Everson wrote:

> Ar 21:43 -0800 1997-11-04, scríobh Edward Cherlin:
> >Would anyone assert that the original order for Mayan (L-R pairs, T-B
> >columns, L-R overall text) should be supported directly--e.g.
> >
> >1 2 7 8
> >3 4 9 10
> >5 6 11 12
> I'm working on a proposal for Mayan based on Egyptological practices and it
> seems that those practices will work for Mayan; they involve some line and
> column delimiters.

Are the line delimiters a property of the text itself? I.e. is it
impossible to insert a single character into the text and have
everything shift? If not, having to change all the delimiters
in the backing store is not very nice.

Also, are the column delimiters a property of the text itself?
Doesn't it just get laid out one column to the bottom, and then
the next? Or two columns of (almost) equal length? In these cases
again, a column delimiter is of rather limited use.

And what is done, or should be done, with Mayan text embedded in
Latin? E.g.:

This is an example of Mayan: 1 2 7 8
                             3 4 9 10
                             5 6 11 12. It speaks about ...


This is an example of Mayan: 1 2 7 8. It speaks about ...
                             3 4 9 10
                             5 6 11 12

or what else? Again, we probably don't know the answer, and
we may not even need one.

Regards, Martin.

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