UCData 1.3 patch1

From: Mark Leisher (mleisher@crl.nmsu.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 11 1998 - 12:54:16 EST

The first patch to version 1.3 is now available at:


This patch fixes a problem when adding/updating ranges in the ucgendat.c
program, fixes a problem with the ucisundefined() and ucisdefined() macros,
and adds a new decomposition function for Hangul, ucdecomp_hangul(), which
arithmetically decomposes Unicode 2.* Hangul.

This was made as a separate function to avoid globals, keep the code
reentrant, and to avoid using the 130K or so that would be needed to store the
decompositions in the data file.
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab "... I could lard the text with
New Mexico State University hotlinks and hotbuttons ..."
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL -- Paraphrased from
Las Cruces, NM 88003 -- "Headcrash," Bruce Bethke

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