uctype: Unicode ctype-style package

From: John Cowan (cowan@locke.ccil.org)
Date: Tue Jun 16 1998 - 17:40:41 EDT

After a six-month detour through XML and Java and related matters,
I have finally cleaned up and released uctype 2.0, a ctype-style
C/C++ character classification package for Unicode using compiled-in
tables. I have upgraded to Unicode 2.1 in the process, but Unicode 2.0
folks will probably not have any real problems.

I have also made the API source-compatible with Mark Leisher's
excellent ucdata package, which stores its tables in external
(binary) files. There are minor differences: uctype supports
Unicode numeric values, ucdata supports decomposing precomposed
characters. A man page is included with uctype which (by intention)
documents both packages equally.

Download uctype at http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/ucdata-2.0.tar.gz ;
ucdata is available at
ftp://crl.nmsu.edu/CLR/multiling/unicode/ucdata.tar.gz .

John Cowan	http://www.ccil.org/~cowan		cowan@ccil.org
	You tollerday donsk?  N.  You tolkatiff scowegian?  Nn.
	You spigotty anglease?  Nnn.  You phonio saxo?  Nnnn.
		Clear all so!  'Tis a Jute.... (Finnegans Wake 16.5)

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