Re: Questions about proposed characters

From: Ricardo Bermell-Benet (
Date: Mon May 31 1999 - 05:35:50 EDT

At 20:48 1999-05-30 -0700, Curtis Clark wrote:
> ... "Sha" is a single letter in Russian, "sch" is a phoneme
>in German, but treated as three letters, and "ch" is a phoneme in Spanish
>entered as two letters on a keyboard, but sorted as one.

Spanish "ch" is not yet sorted as one. After the "Real Academia de la Lengua
Espaņola" recommended so, it is generally accepted, and every new
dictionary follows that rule (sorting as two separated letters).
Same applies to spanish phoneme "ll".

At this moment i don't know what says Unicode Standard about that.
(I hope it doesn't follows the old criterium)

Ricardo Bermell-Benet

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