Re: (Re: Unicode mapping table need help) Euro sign encoding

From: Erik van der Poel (
Date: Tue Jun 08 1999 - 22:27:36 EDT wrote:
> The trick is to get
> the euro glyph to show up whenever a document contains x80 (assuming, of course
> we're dealing with cp1252) regardless of which OS is used, i.e. regardless of
> which mapping is used. The way to do this is to have the cmap in the font make
> both U+0080 and U+20AC point to the euro glyph.

A cleaner way would be to install the new CP1252 -> Unicode converter,
which I thought was part of the euro package available from MS. If
people only install the fonts (without the converter) they won't get the
euro to work with CP1252.


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