Request for Comments: Language Codes

From: Eric Brunner (
Date: Fri Jun 11 1999 - 00:55:56 EDT

Oki all,

Some of you have heard (or read) me on the subject of iso3166 -- country
codes -- in the context of Soverignty and the DNS, as well as trademark
(broadly, in the specific context of WIPO and ICANN). There is another
ISO standard with similar scope, iso639 -- language codes.

Periodically the IETF issues an Internet Draft on the subject, and it has
come up again recently (1st item of mail, below). This will, when it is
advanced to standard, obsolete RFC 1766.

Harald Alvestrand is the host for next month's IETF in Oslo, and I'd like
to hand him a list of languages and a reasonable candidate institution or
institutions which is/are responsible for extentions to the existing version
of iso639.

Please have a look at the table contained in the final 2/3rds of Harald's
current draft, for errors and omissions. If someone would go to the SISLA
and SIL sites and save me some work I'd really appreciate it.

To motivate, here is a collection of excerpts:
639-1 639-2/T 639-2/B English name

  aa aar aar Afar
  ab abk abk Abkhazian
        ale ale Aleut
       alg alg Algonquian languages
        apa apa Apache languages
       arp arp Arapaho
       ath ath Athapascan languages
       aus aus Australian languages
       chn chn Chinook jargon
       cho cho Choctaw
       chp chp Chipewyan
       chr chr Cherokee
  zu zul zul Zulu
       zun zun Zuni

There are a couple of issues:
        who owns (and can exclude) the standard?
        is the common American name (and three-letter acronym) preferred by
                the actual language community?
        is computer support for "minority languages" part of the preservation
                of those languages?

I've got answers, but others may have ideas on the subject.

The hack for doing standard support (in the IETF) for languages not covered
in either iso639 or iso639-2 is a language tag registration, with the IANA,
the same folks several of us have gone to for a top-level domain, without
success. There are only two which have been granted, and these are both in
the 2nd and 3rd parts of this message.

The IANA language tag registration brings up more issues:
        is the reference authoritative (and who is the authority)?
        is the tag requestor authorized by the language community?

As usual, I've got answers, but others may have ideas on the subject. I sure
hope so. Please forward this, or comment on it, as you see fit. I've got two
weeks before I should mail Harald a heads-up, and four weeks until he and I
meet in Oslo.

This is separate from the ICANN issue of domains for First Nations, which is
still outstanding, and from the ICANN and WIPO issue of Indigenous
"Property", now concluded and not favorably, see However,
it is a soverignty issue, and an ISO issue, and a cultural heritage issue. For
those who've not run into the ICANN and WIPO acronyms, these are The
for Assigned Names and Numbers, and the World Intellectual Property
respectively. Neither are especially keen on Indians.


A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts

        Title : Tags for the Identification of Languages
        Author(s) : H. Alvestrand
        Filename : draft-alvestrand-lang-tags-v2-00.txt
        Pages : 21
        Date : 09-Jun-99
This document describes a language tag for use in cases
where it is desired to indicate the language used in an
information object.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 17:55:54 +0100
To: iana@ISI.EDU
From: Michael Everson <>
Subject: Re: reg form for Navajo
Cc: Sean Burke <>


Name of requester : Sean M. Burke
E-mail address of requester:
Tag to be registered : i-navajo

English name of language : Navajo

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII): Dine Bizaad

Reference to published description of the language (book or article):
 Young, Robert W. and William Morgan. 1992. Analytical Lexicon of Navajo.
Albuquerque: U of New Mexico Press.
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 17:56:37 +0100
To: iana@ISI.EDU
From: Sean Burke <> (per Michael Everson)
Subject: Re: i-mingo RegReq mail to ietf-languages


Name of requester : Sean M. Burke
E-mail address of requester:
Tag to be registered : i-mingo

English name of language : Mingo

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII): Unontuwaqkaaq

Reference to published description of the language (book or article):
 /Rabbit Stories: An Introduction to the Mingo Language/. Thomas McElwain
 ( and Jordan Lachler (
 Email for publication data. 1997.

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