Re: POSIX locales and Roman Numerals

From: LaBont\i, Alain (
Date: Fri Jun 25 1999 - 19:17:11 EDT

A 14:42 99-06-25 -0700, Kenneth Whistler a écrit :
>Once again, our demented colleague at the Interplanetary Fast Earth
>Society has completely misrepresented Fast Earth doctrine.

To Mr. McGlorken, and Mr. McWhiskers,

I claim the first secession out of the new Fast Earth totalitarian State
which deviates demonically from universal unification.

I claim the exact two poles to be united into a new state called "Gozero"
without chief, established by the "Point Zero" almightly God...

The first article of the new divine Constitution states that "The speed of
the territory shall be established at One Zeroit at all times". The
territory is established as the axis of rotation of Earth on itself.

The logical system of measurement in Gozero uses the ultimate, universal
and divine base 1, which has one unit, the Zeroit, which applies and unites
all physical phenomena into one. Everything shall be measured in zeroits or
immediate expulsion out of the territory will be irrevocably ad logically
executed, force not being necessary.

Point Zero God messenger

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