Re: Unicode Keyboards

From: Erland Sommarskog (
Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 18:45:24 EDT

Markus Kuhn <> writes:
> There is no technical, cultural or ergonomical justification for the
> many keyboard layouts that we have at the moment. For instance, it is
> easily conceivable to come up with a single highly practical layout for
> the West European and Panamerican Market.

I'm skeptic to that. As a Swedish user, it's instrumental for me to have
ÅÄÖ as keys on the keyboard. Danish and Norwegian users needs ÆØÅ on
their keyboards. For your letters home you need ÄÖÜß. Exactly how
Mediterrenan users want their accents I don't know, but if you are
to accomodate all needs, you will get a large keyboard. And, frankly,
I don't really want a keyboard with keys that I use only rarely. It's
OK for me to achieve Ø by some two- or three-combination (although
I would be glad to be relieved from being compelled to know the
Latin-1 code, as I need today with my Swedish PC keyboard). But it
would be completely unacceptable if I would need to that for Swedish

Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm,

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