Re: Normalization Form KC for Linux

From: Francois Yergeau (
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 15:58:34 EDT

À 12:20 1999-08-18 -0700, Kenneth Whistler a écrit :
>Markus Kuhn wrote:
>> encoding text in Unicode under Linux should be Normalization Form KC as
>> defined in Unicode Technical Report #15
>> <>.
>My only concern is that Normalization Form C (rather than KC) might
>be more appropriate.

Form C is in fact the form chosen by the W3C "Character Model for the WWW"
( This is not final (still a WD - working
draft) but is likely to stick, IMHO. I think that Linux should have good
reasons to choose KC instead of C.

>In my opinion, Form C is the more appropriate for general use on the
>Internet (and in Linux).


François Yergeau

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