RE: A basic question on encoding Latin characters

From: Robert Brady (
Date: Tue Sep 28 1999 - 20:21:12 EDT

On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Murray Sargent wrote:

> (The following may well have been mentioned earlier; I haven't followed the
> whole thread). If you enter combining mark sequences using deadkeys, there
> shouldn't be a problem. With deadkeys, nothing is displayed on the terminal
> until the base character is typed and nothing is sent to the pattern-match
> code. When the base character is typed, the corresponding fully composed or
> partially composed character sequence is sent to the terminal and to the
> pattern-match code. Deadkey input methods are usually part of the
> underlying OS, but apps can also implement them fairly easily.

That doesn't work. Consider a telnet connection. At the end of one TCP
packet, the <a> is placed, but the <combining-ring-above> will not fit, so
it has to go in the next packet.

Maybe the second packet is delayed for a few seconds, due to network
problems (why is not relevant).

The app gets the <a> and then a few seconds later gets the

If you can see a way round this (other than abandoning the terminal
metaphor), the linux/utf-8 project would no doubt be happy to hear it. :)


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