Re: Use of the Florin symbol not as a currency symbol; polys

Date: Sat Oct 02 1999 - 12:49:08 EDT

       ME>> No. The Mac put a "florin sign" into their code table, and
       users took > advantage of it as an abbreviation for "folder" in
       directory names. Unicode > unification of "florin sign" with
       "African f-hook" has given rise to the > mapping 0xC4 ->

       JJ>I've never see Apple anywhere *recommend* the use of the
       florin sign for "folder" in directory names. We ourselves tend
       to use the word "folder" (or equivalent) or nothing. But it's
       a handy abbreviation and a lot of people use it.

       JJ>Similarly I've seen a lot of people use pi for "project" and
       so on. And there were rumors that some people were using the
       old universal currency sign as a field separator in databases
       before we had to pull it to make room for the euro. These
       practice has grown up to take advantage of the symbols in the
       code set. We have never defined the *meaning* of the symbols
       that way.

       It would seem, then, that we're talking about idiosyncratic
       usage in the past that probably should have no bearing on
       things like normalisation or case mappings.


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