how do I make it output the Hindi unicode characters on labels

From: Bhupesh Vora (
Date: Fri Nov 12 1999 - 15:41:21 EST

I am Developing an application which should display it's labels, menus in Hindi language...also when I key in the form it should display in Hindi for whatever I type. ( I am Using Java 2.0 for developing application ). I am making use of Internationalization so that the same thing works for English I have the Character code Equivalent for Hindi ie Devanagiri Script. How can I dictate which unicode set is outputed from the keyboard. For example how do I make it output the Hindi unicode characters (character that r not available on keyboard) rather than the latin. character that r not available on keyboard.

I am substituting the unicode value of hindi character for display but it displays a square box for all characters other than Latin....I am Using Java 2.0 Internationalization to Out put the character

any kind of help information,sugesstion and comments on this will be highly appreciated

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