Re: Multilingual Documents [was: HTML forms and UTF-8]

From: Alain LaBonté  (
Date: Wed Nov 24 1999 - 18:33:52 EST

À 05:14 1999-11-24 -0800, Otto Stolz a écrit :
>Am 1999-11-23 um 18:04 h hat Chris Pratley geschrieben:
>> 5. [...] (When I was growing up in Qu[é]bec, I did not see a large fraction
>> of documents that were bilingual, except for certain government public-
>> ations and advertisements)

>I guess, in Qu[é]bec, more than 50% of all English e-mail items will contain
>a person's or place name in French; right?

[Alain] Yes, but in general it is a pity that in spite of Unicode, we are
still bound to the ASCII répertoire in most cases... ): It is like
continuing to use ox-driven vehicles while ultra-efficient cars are, for
most of them, in showrooms because highly-skilled drivers are reluctant to
use them because they are dangerous for the oxen... That is the Internet
email paradigm today, a sacro-sanct ox-driven protocol in a hi-tech world.

Alain LaBonté
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