Re: Multilingual Documents [was: HTML forms and UTF-8]

Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 01:20:29 EST

       Chris Pratley wrote:
>I find it ironic that the biggest driver for multilingual
       support, and therefore Unicode support, and thereby support for
       minority languages in mainstream software, has been the needs
       of large "faceless multinational corporations" - the same ones
       that are often vilified for trampling smaller cultures. Funny
       how things seem to work out in the end.

       Not that I don't greatly appreciate all the I18N advances I've
       seen software from Microsoft and many others, but support for
       several dozen languages is still just a drop in the bucket when
       it comes to > 6,800 minority languages.

       By the way, Chris, you've mentioned in this thread Word 2000's
       ability to detect the language of text. I think I finally
       disabled that feature because it wasn't helping: it would
       frequently tag my English text as French! Is it doing that
       because I grew up in Montreal?


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