RE: Cantillation marks (teamim)

From: Jonathan Rosenne (
Date: Wed Dec 15 1999 - 23:48:07 EST

See my comments in-line.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Andries []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 6:48 AM
> To: Unicode List
> Subject: Cantillation marks (teanim)
> A few questions about Hebrew cantillation marks (téanim):


> 1) One of my sources lists as a separate cantillation mark a « sof
> pasouq » looking like this ׃ֽ ( colon and a subscript bar),
> Unicode uses
> SOF PASUQ U+05C3 for the colon ׃ . Any explanation ? The source
> is reputable
> : « Dictionnaire encyclopédique du Judaïsme », which is available
> in English
> under the title « The Encyclopedia of Judaism », edited by G. Wigoder.

Its just a glyph variation. It is neither a colon nor a semicolon, it is the equivalent of a period.

> 2) Another source gives the name GALGAL to a sign that, as
> far as I can
> see, is identical to YERAH BEN YOMO, U+05AA. Could it be a synonym ?

Not exactly, they are distinct but indistinguishable. See the note at the bottom of

> 3) The same Encyclopedia of Judaism lists two teanim that I
> do not seem
> to be able to find in the standard:
> i) Teré Qadmin in the Sefardi tradition (a kind of Pashta but
> straight or doubled : ` or ``), in the Yemeni tradition this is apparently
> called a Teren Fishtin.
> ii) Azla (in the Ashkenazi tradition) this looks like a reversed
> GERESH U+059C, i.e. the Azla is pointing towards the right.
> Have I missed them in the Standard ? Are they synonymous to other
> cantillation marks ? Should they be in the standard ?
> Any help ?
> P. Andries

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